We operate a school wide Title I, Part A program, which is the largest federally funded grant program for grades K-12.
The purpose of Title I, Part A is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments and close the achievement gap between high and low-performing children, especially the achievement gaps between minority and non-minority students, and between disadvantaged children and their more advantaged peers.
Activities supported with Title I, Part A funds must be planned based on a comprehensive needs assessment and developed in consultation with parents, teachers, principals, and other relevant stakeholders. The LEA must also actively engage stakeholders in continued consultation to improve supported activities.
You will be invited to attend our Annual Title I Meeting that will explain how this program is used to support the needs of your child and the school goals. You will also receive information about the rights you have as a parent of a child attending a Title I school. We look forward to sharing this information and other exciting news at this meeting!
Schools are committed to ensuring that meaningful consultation is ongoing between family members and school staff. When families engage with schools to support their students learning, several positive effects can take place:
- The Department of Education (ED) defines parent and family engagement as "Building relationships through activities such as helping parents and caregivers develop their skills, offering educational activities for families and students together, bringing family members into leadership positions…and connecting families with schools and resources in the community."
You can find each individual school Parent and Family Engagement and the district Family Engagement plan on the Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan page or request a paper based copy from the school office.
Schools are required to provide timely notice to each individual parent that their child has been assigned to or taught for FOUR or more consecutive weeks by a teacher or substitute who is not state certified. You will be provided this notification, if applicable, throughout the school year.
As a parent, you have the right to know the professional qualifications for the classroom teacher and/or paraprofessional who instructs your child. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) allows you to ask to receive information about certification(s)/credential(s) and you can request this information at any time. Requests can be made at any time by contacting our front office and asking for a Parent’s Right-To-Know Request form.
People from several groups are welcome to join our SAC committee, including parents, students, community members, business partners, and school staff. Certain SAC members are elected by their peers, business and community members are appointed and the Principal automatically serves. The SAC reviews issues of a school wide nature, helps to create and review the effectiveness of the School-Parent Compact, the Parent and Family Engagement Plan for both the school and district, and reviews the annual Schoolwide Improvement Plan. SAC meetings fall under the Sunshine Law and are declared public meetings and open to the public at all times. Your input matters and we encourage you to join our SAC committee by notifying the front office. SAC meeting minutes and other related information are available to review by contacting our front office.
The SIP is a tool used by stakeholders to review data, set goals, progress monitor and create action plans. The most recent version of our Schoolwide Improvement Plan is available by request through the school front office or for review at any time online at the Florida CIMS V2 Website. You may also visit the FL DOE Know Your Schools websiteto view the State, District & School Report Card at any time. Current information regarding Florida School Grades and School Accountability can be viewed at the FL DOE School Grades website.
Parent-Teacher Conferences may be scheduled when the need arises at the request of either the parent or the teacher. Parents may schedule a conference by writing a note or e-mail to the teacher, or calling the front office to set up a time with your child’s teacher. By scheduling a conference, the teacher is able to prepare individual reports, papers, etc., regarding your child to improve the sharing of information during the conference. During planned instructional time, teachers are working hard on supporting students to master state standards and are not allowed to conference with parents. We encourage all parents to set up and attend at least one conference per quarter.
Each Title I school must collaborate with parents to develop an agreement that clearly outlines the responsibilities and commitments that the parents, entire school staff, and student will share. This document is known as the School-Parent Compact and assists with building and developing a partnership to help students achieve the state’s high academic standards.
The School-Parent Compact is a living document, signed by the school, staff, and parent, that will be used throughout the year as parents and school staff communicate about the progress and growth of your child.
Please see your child’s teacher if you have not yet received a School-Parent Compact. If you would like to provide suggestions or input about the compact, please contact the school.
The Marion County School District invites all parents and families to visit the Title I Parent Resource Center where there are many resources and materials (grades K-12) available for checkout to assist you in teaching your child. The Title I Parent Resource Center is located within the Howard Academy Community Center at 306 NW 7th Avenue. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM-4:00 PM. If you have questions about available materials, please call 352-671-4171.
The Parent Resource Center on Wheels travels to each Title I school in the district and various community events throughout the school year. Resources can be checked out from the van as well! Watch for upcoming notifications alerting you when the van will be at our school.
The mission of the Bureau of Family and Community Outreach (BFCO) is to empower families and communities with resources and information needed to promote a high quality education for their children. The Bureau reaches out to serve Florida's diverse families and communities in a number of ways including dropout and bullying prevention; family engagement; volunteer and community involvement; faith- and community-based initiatives; mentoring/student assistance and school and instructional enhancement state grants; and the 21st Century Community Learning Centers federal afterschool grant.
For general information related to Family and Community Outreach, please call: 888-665-5055 or visit the Fl DOE Family & Community Outreach website
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
For information regarding ESSA, visit the Fl DOE ESSA website.